I got the last thing I wanted...my purse stolen.
I mean...I'm used to losing things but I've never been robbed until today. Pretty ridiculous!
I was at the Cascade, after the Christmas Eve service. I was selling The Christmas Star DVD's for the Stirring. I had finished up and was just closing down, putting everything away, counting the money and so on...we had to give the Cascade 10% of our profits for them letting us selling them there, so I turned around to give the lady the money and she had left the lobby...
I had a feeling she had gone into the theater so I left everything there in the lobby.
I was gone seriously 20 seconds...there were people I knew in the lobby and I was almost positive the host had locked all the doors already. I walked back and my purse was gone...with my blackberry, license, all my keys and $80 cash.
I'm so thankful they only grabbed my purse and left the bank bag with all the stirring's money.
But it still sucks...definitely the anti Christmas miracle. haha.
It might sound cheesy...but I keep hearing in my head the song that goes "you give and take away...you give and take away. MY heart will choose to say, Lord, blessed be your name." I just hope who ever took my purse needed the cash more than me and enjoys my blackberry. And I'm not going to let this small tragedy ruin Jesus' birthday...Merry Christmas! love you all!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas...
Posted by hannahrae at 12:23 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Once again, I must apologize (to the 4 of you who actually read my blogs) for my horrible blogging habits. Even when I'm not in school life is just crazy. I don't understand how it happens...I haven't really been doing anything...just reading.
I finished finals...found out my grades, they were all pretty good except for Biblical Backgrounds D+ haha I guess I should have gone to class more and actually tried to study a little earlier in the semester. It's not my fault I had no idea how to study...thanks high school.
Started break...It's only been a little over a week and I'm ready for school to start. I miss everyone.
I did a little painting too! This is for my dad for Christmas...shh don't tell!
My birthday was last Tuesday the 16th. I love my birthday! I call it Hannahkuh because I truly is my favorite holiday. My day started out with Sarah and Jenna bringing me breakfast in bed! I was already out of bed but they made me get back in as they served me Manhattan Bagel and a Peppermint Mocha. Next I went to Carnegie's to meet Meghan for lunch! Wonderful! I love our lunch dates! Meghan gave me the best and maybe worst gift...she let me borrow Twilight...I'm hooked. I held out for so long, but my curiosity got the best of me...I started the book on Wednesday and I already finished book 2 (New Moon) this morning!
(I'm sorry Jenna and Sarah...I promise I won't talk about them when I'm with you!)
Thursday I went to Berkeley with some friends to continue the Hannahkuh festivities. We didn't do much, just walked around the city for a few hours. Ate amazing food (Cafe Intermezzo and Zachary's Pizza) and then headed home. Great day with great people!
The rest of my break has been filled with reading, taking coffee breaks and looking at Christmas lights. I can't believe it's only 3 days till Christmas. It doesn't feel like it at all. My brother can't come up and Stephanie, my best friend, won't be here till after the holiday. It will still be a great holiday!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! Love you all so much!!!!
Posted by hannahrae at 3:41 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sorry for being a horrible blogger...
But I made it through finals...and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to fail college so that's good!
Nothing really new or exciting had happened since I blogged last...
Oh wait! Tonight I was driving around Anderson with some friends (I know extremely exciting!) and we drove past the Gaiya or whatever hotel...the organic green one. And I kinda screamed in excitement because I always pass by the billboard but I didn't know it really existed. Well it does and they have swans in a pond! We walked around it.
I mean...how much more green can you get? Having a pond with 2 white swans and 2 black swans. I really think, even though they are birds (I really really really hate birds), they could be one of the most beautiful creatures. Amazing.
That's all. 3 weeks of vacation...what am I going to do with my life?
Posted by hannahrae at 12:36 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I'm sitting in front of a huge bay window....
And life is good.
I think I found my new favorite starbucks. Perfect for homework doing, except for the fact that I'm blogging and not writing my paper but this moment was too magical to not document!
So I'm at the Eureka Way Starbucks, I usually never venture away from East Cypress, but I heard they have nice chairs here. I'm sitting in front of this beautiful bay window, I have my headphones in...Glen Hansard...life is good. I'm watching the cars pass through this busy intersection, I love watching people who don't know they're being watch (in a totally none creepy way). There is something about the candidness of someone who is all alone in their own world. I wonder about what the stranger in the red Toyota Corolla is thinking or where the man in the blue Chevy Silverado is going. It's amazing to me that in a relatively small town like Redding, there are thousands of people that I will never meet, and even the people that I see for a mere second as they pause at the red light, I will most likely never see them again.
And this gets me thinking about the people I see all the time...some strangers, some not.
My best friend moved to Huntington Beach a few months ago, I would occasionally run into her mom, but not very often. I started to miss Steph's family...now I see her mom Kara at least 2 times a week! I just ran into her here at this Starbs. I was instant messaging with Steph and few minutes ago and she brought up the fact that we're both addicted to coffee so that could explain why I run into her at every coffee shop. But really...it's like always a different one, not only starbucks but YAKS too.
There's this other lady. I have no idea what her name is or where I know her from, but I know I know her. I see this women EVERYWHERE. I have even seen her outside of Redding. She has long curly brown hair and she wears black plastic framed glasses. I don't see her all the time, but enough times to remember her. It's really weird.
I don't understand how in a town like Redding there can be thousands of people I will never encounter, but some I see all the time. Do we all live in circles? and some people have the same circles as you? We have the same likes- coffee, art, ice cream, live music...and some people have other circles- cars, big trucks, beer, and crappy music (haha I had to think of the Redneck things that I have nothing to do with)?
Is it this town?
But then I'm reminded of a time I was on the bus in San Francisco. I love this city, and I'm planning on going for a little birthday trip in a few weeks (Hannahkuh...it's an annual Jewish tradition.)
Back to my story...I was on a bus, heading back into the city from Hunter's Point. There was a man on the bus drawing amazing sketches of people on the bus and giving them to them...there was another man that I noticed. He had earbuds in, and I could hear Dashboard Confessional quietly playing. He had great style, dark, dreads...basically...he was beautiful haha. He got off the bus at the stop right before ours. I said goodbye in my head, knowing it's a big city and I would never see him again. I was in H&M later that afternoon doing a little shopping. I went into the dressing room and there he was folding clothes! Absolutely crazy!
Okay, so now, I'm absolutely confused and I don't even know what or why I'm blogging. You probably are too, if you're even still reading.
Circles...people in circles. It's crazy to me...
Posted by hannahrae at 3:43 PM 7 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What I'm thankful for...
Everyone else was doing it...so I say, "Why not!?!"
1. Cold weather. I'm so glad it's finally getting here...I mean...it's about time, it's November. But I love wearing coats and scarves and fun beanies, sipping hot coffee or tea, running into cars and putting the heat on as fast as you can, and seeing your breath.
2. My family. They give me a new reason to love them more and more every day. My mom is a saint, she's is amazing in every way and can make me laugh like no other. She's my BFF. My dad is one of my favorite people on this planet. He has the biggest heart. We've had the most amazing conversations lately; I ask him a simple question and I get a 30 minute sermon, but I love it! We laugh, we cry, we drink espresso.
3. The Stirring. I really cannot even explain. I truly have found home. They are my family.
4. My friends. I have the most amazing people in my life right now. I dont know if I could be happier. And everyday I am meeting someone new or growing closer to someone.
5. Coldplay. It's true...I'm thankful for them. Just when I thought they couldn't get anymore amazing they release Prospekt's March. An amazing EP. It's only $5.99 on itunes. 8 songs (5 new ones + 3 remixed ones) and the Viva la Vida music video. Wonderful.
6. FooFoo Friday. Every Friday at 4:04 (four fo' four) me and Jenna meet at YAKS for happy hour and great conversation. Sometimes it's just us, sometimes great people join us. No matter the circumstances it is always great times.
I wanted to think of 10. I'm sure I could...but it's 2:16 am and I'm sick (I finally got over a cold, and then I woke up sick again today! sucks!) so yes...6 will have to do for now.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, I know I will, 10 great friends plus my crazy 93 year old grandmother.
Posted by hannahrae at 1:51 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Pumpkin Cake!
I made some of this deliciousness tonight! It's seriously SO simple...ONLY 2 INGREDIENTS!
A packet of store bought yellow cake mix and half a can of pumpkin mix. (No eggs, no oil, no nothing!)
Mix them together in the mixer for 2 minutes. Pre heat the oven for 350. Put the concoction in a 7x11 baking pan and bake for 28 minutes or until it's cooked all the way through...after it's cooled you can put any kind of icing on it! (I made my own icing with powdered sugar, vanilla, water, and some pumpkiny seasoning like nutmeg and cinnamon.)
Seriously...It's marvelous. I love pumpkin anything...
Next time I'm going to bake a Red Velvet Cake...Maybe for Christmas...Can't wait!
Posted by hannahrae at 11:14 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
You like this hat?
My mom made it! And she has like 80 more beanies and about 60 scarves AND she will be selling them at the CRAFT & FAIR TRADE BAZAAR at Simpson (in the gym) this SATURDAY the 22nd! There are also 7 Fair Trade organizations, that promote sustainable development in other countries...Free Set is one that gives jobs to ex prostitutes in Calcutta, India, so they don't have to work the streets. We also have some stuff from Daughters, the organization that Jenna worked with in Cambodia....
So yes... This Saturday the 22nd. Simpson, the gym.
Hope to see you there!!!!
Posted by hannahrae at 7:10 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
So I did it.
it's all gone. i havent decided if i like it or not. it'll need to grow on me.
i swear i will be a better blogger soon.
Posted by hannahrae at 11:49 PM 7 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
So...I need your opinion.
Okay blog family...sorry for the not so serious blogs lately but my brain isn't able to process too much deep stuff, too much homework. haha.
So here's my problem...my hair. I've hit a fork in the road. I need to do something but I don't know if I want to keep growing it or if I want to chop it all off. So here are the possibilites.
Grow it out like I had it last year...
Or...Cut it really short like never before...
I know...ridiculously short. what to do, what to do?
Posted by hannahrae at 4:45 PM 6 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
This is Dolce (the gnome) and Gabbana (the turtle).
I liberated them from garden cruelty Saturday night. He came to me dirty and covered in snails...I cleaned him up and gave him a clean home in my bathroom.
Now on to other things...tomorrow...it's the big day. I'm excited but more excited for Wednesday when it's all over...haha. I hope you vote...you get a free drink at starbucks if you do, if participating in determining the fate of your country isn't incentive enough. Ha!
Posted by hannahrae at 6:48 PM 2 comments
word vomit # 2
it's funny how every week i leave the stirring and i am immediately hit with something.
whether it happens when i'm at starbucks after or i'm home checking my facebook, i'm faced with some issue either having to do with what was discussed that evening or just the stirring in general.
it's not a bad thing, i actually think it's great.
tonight i got home and did my night ritual of checking blogspot, myspace, email and facebook. while i was on facebook, i noticed a friend had posted a note. curious, i clicked on it and started reading. with out saying the stirring, he basically bashed everything about us...along with saying we're surface and trendy on sunday nights...
i've been told i would face things like this, so i was okay with it; i expected it.
honestly, i do not care that sunday nights are surface, in fact, i'm glad they are. church is just a place of fellowhship. what the stirring does, where the growth and main learning comes from, happens during the week. the messages are surface, so we are forced to think, get into the word and talk with eachother...i do not want to be spoon fed jesus. i want to find him myself and with the people i live life with; intimately in my life group.
haha. there goes another case of word vomit.
Posted by hannahrae at 12:11 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
IT's TIME! Time for switching the wardrobes!!!
I walked outside today and it was overcast and a little bit chilly...definitely not cold yet but it's supposed to rain tomorrow! I love the change in the season! And I feel like I have all new clothes because I brought out my winter scarves and jackets and put my summer dresses and shorts away!
Posted by hannahrae at 12:40 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
this word has been rocking my lately. it's a simple word, 2 vowels & 2 consonants but together they form something so powerful.
for the past several weeks God has made love the center of my world. seriously, EVERY scripture i am lead to has the word love in it...every one...not an exaggeration.
i listen to John Mark McMillan's "How He Loves" like everyday, and every time i am within reach of my laptop i share with someone the YouTube video of when he shares about the song. he wrote it after his best friend Steven died. One morning Steven prayed that if him dying caused a youth movement among this generation he would be willing to give his life and that night he was killed in a car accident.
the next day John Mark McMillan wrote the song; believing that if God fulfilled the first part of the prophecy that he had to fulfill the second half. And I believe that this song has stirred up a movement among this generation...
we, knowing God's love for us, being know by our love.
I can't get the words "a generation known by love" out of my head. the love for each other and the love of the Father.
Posted by hannahrae at 11:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Last Night: Insane
So last night Nathan talked about the sexy elephant. Awesome. Seriously, Nate has such an amazing way of speaking about the things that no one wants to talk about...shedding light on the things the Church has hidden.
After each service Derrick had a specific word for the women and men. To the women he said that the no longer do we need to live in shame, that we need to know that we are enough.
So let me back up a little bit...for the past few months I have had several people approach me and speak out that I have a heart for women. Nate has specifically told me that he sees me disciplining women and being a voice for them. I received it but didn't really do anything with it. Honestly, I've never had a heart or women..actually, I like and connect with very few of them (especially those my age).
But last night something changed...when there (sorta) was a time of ministry at the end of 3rd gathering I started shaking. Now this usually happens when I am supposed to pray for someone. My life verse kept coming to mind and I was kind of frustrated by this, I asked God why this was the only verse that ever came to mind when I was praying for women...and it was like he clearly answered me, "BECAUSE THESE ARE THE WORDS I HAVE TO SAY TO THE WOMEN OF YOUR GENERATION! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SPEAK IT OVER THEM!"
"The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing."
Isaiah 51:3
Posted by hannahrae at 12:23 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It's Wednesday...
and I started sketching again...
I honestly thought I had lost my capability to draw. I had started painting so much and only cared about that, I could barely remember how to hold a pencil! So I designed a dress and a peacoat of sorts...Now I just need to learn how to sew so I can make my creations come to life!!!
Fashion design has definitely been a good stress calmer...I'm finally feeling the college pressure.
My first huge paper. I know it won't be my last or the longest for that matter, this one's only 7-8 pages...but I'm definitely feeling the stress.
Globalized government...based on history if it is possible. Heavy stuff. Not the easiest to write about. I took me 3 days to write the first 3 pages...but now I'm working on the 6th page! ALMOST DONE!
Just got back from grabbing some food at my parent's (I missed dinner because I was hard at work on my paper) and caught the last view minutes of the Debate. Important stuff...definitely cemented who I'm voting for.
Now I'm off to the Freshman Mugging (aka bowling night)...not so excited about it.
Posted by hannahrae at 7:36 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Simple Living #2
I haven't paid for a cup of coffee in 5 days! FIVE DAYS!
I've spent plenty of time in coffee shops too. For a matter of fact I'm sitting in YAKS right now and you know what? I brought my own coffee in! Ha! And yesterday I went to Starbucks...and brought my own coffee.
okay...so to some of you this may not seem like a huge deal but for me...it's incredible. I average about 3-4 cups of coffee a day...the first cup I usually get at my mom's office, the second YAKS, the third E. Cypress Starbs and the forth either from YAKS, E. Cypress or my coffee pot in my dorm room.
So I average about spending money on 2-3 cups of coffee daily.
Now I don't get any of those fancy drinks, I'm an Americano or Pikes Place drinker...so my drinks are normally under 2 dollars. Now it's math time...
$2 x's 2 = 4 (I'm brilliant...I know!)
4 x's 7 = $28
$28 dollars A WEEK!! on COFFEE! That is absolutely ridiculous!!! That's $112 dollars a month...do you know what I could do with an extra $112 dollars...so much.
So I think I'm off to a good start...I haven't paid for coffee in 5 days, I've drunken plenty of coffee. I've honestly gone to pay for Starbucks coffee and gotten it for free 4 times...and got a free coffee card too, that's pretty awesome. Someone told my it's the favor of Cafe con Christo.
Posted by hannahrae at 11:48 AM 3 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It Starts With a Coffee Cup: SIMPLE LIVING PART 1
It starts here...with this little cup.
I feel like the Lord has seriously been calling me to a life of simplicity, or more simple than I have been living. Lately, I've been realizing how much money I spend on a daily basis. I buy something new for my closet almost every week...I mean its not ridiculously expensive, most often it's something off the clearance rack at Target, but that's like ten bucks I don't have anymore. I spend money on coffee several times a day...I know I need to ween myself off the Starbucks IV but it is such apart of my life and culture that I don't think I can to quit all together...but I know what I can and will do! I am going to cut back and when I do go to my beloved E. Cypress Starbucks I will bring my to-go cup from home! It's so easy! And it's not about the ten cents I save, it's more about the hundreds of cardboard cups I go through on a monthly basis. My roommate was making fun of me the other day because I come home everyday with a little white cup with a mermaid on it...EVERYDAY!
I'm going to try to stop eating out so much too...I have an awesome opportunity for free meals at Simpson, I mean they are definitely not the most healthy or good tasting but free food is free food! And if I need some time away from Chartwells, I have the opportunity to go home to my parent's and eat!
I also, in the future, really want to learn how to make and modify my own clothes...this is a little extreme but I think it would be fun! and it would definitely help my budget! If I get tired of a certain shirt or dress...just change it up and make it something new!
There are exceptions for everything...I'm not going full on hippy here...I'm just going to start with Starbucks! But I definitely feel this is something I need to do. I checked my bank account yesterday and I have $26 left, and there is not paycheck coming to replenish that. I don't have a job anymore so I am forced to do something! But that's not even the reason for this lifestyle change! I feel like I've given into consumerism far too much in my short life and I need to stop...
keep my accountable please!
Posted by hannahrae at 12:28 PM 2 comments
Church plant/the play by play of the day!
8 hours...55 minutes...and counting.
haha too bad I'm not allowed to go. Meghan said so. She is forcing me to sleep in and be well rested for the night gathering! haha!
So today was an interesting day...first I went around Redding with my friend Emily to all these different artist's studios! It was awesome! Totally inspired me a little bit.
Then I met some friends at the e. cyp starbs and we made some plans for the evening.
Went to Racha Noodle...got an order of yellow curry to go. Didn't tip them...and then found out that you're supposed to tip for to go orders...I didn't know that! Is it true? Because I totally felt incredibly guilty...still do. I'll never do it again.
Then to my friend Reilly's house. Ate my food. Watched Arrested Development...never seen it before, enjoyed it...want to watch the rest of the episodes.
Then back to e. cyp Starbs with my friend Sarah. Did a word search from the newspaper. Proceeded to doodle all over the newspaper. Free coffee...always nice.
Left Starbs...saw Bekah. Met them in the Safeway parking lot...headed over to the dorm for a dance party in my room. I found a strobe light online! Seriously amazing!!!
Now I'm at home. It's Columbus weekend...So I went home. I like waking up and having my dad greet me with a latte and making myself some toast.
Mmm. the sooner I go to bed the soon I get toast and a latte! GOODNIGHT!
Posted by hannahrae at 1:03 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thank the Lord for Columbus
So maybe he wasn't the nicest man, and some argue that he didn't even find the America's...whatever...he is the reason for this holiday and for that I give him props!
I woke up today at 12:30! I would have just been getting out of my last class of the day! So awesome. I needed the extra sleep too. I went up to Ashland, Oregon with my dad last night to see a play for my English class. The Comedy of Errors: Western Style...I don't think this was exactly what Shakespeare had in mind, but it was a funny play none-the-less.I just found this picture on the net but that's the play...just imagine it at night, raining and 34 degrees!
I seriously love Ashland though...I'm thinking day trip...anyone?
Posted by hannahrae at 1:31 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
It's been 2 days...
seriously...Sigur Ros ruined my old life. I will never be the same.
People keep asking me about it and I can't put anything into words. Amy said it perfectly...it was like everyone was worshipping. The past 2 weeks God has been speaking to me about how He is not confined my religion (or religious music), and Friday night was like the finale of that lesson. All paths can lead to him. That's all I can say...and RAIN. wow.
My friend Dusten took these photos on his camera phone so I stole them...amazing.
Posted by hannahrae at 2:35 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Encounter Tonight...
Oh my word. Tonight was AWESOME. I have to go to bed so I don't have enough time to complete a blog about everything that happened tonight...but I wanted to post a picture of what I did at Encounter! It's a two piece set...FREEDOM (well that's it's name so far. It takes a few days for God to finish speaking to me about my paintings and for me to then think of a name...)
Tomorrow = sleep, coffee, biblical backgrounds, sleep, coffee, world civ, coffee, LIFE GROUP, sleep.
Posted by hannahrae at 12:07 AM 8 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
I spent 5 hours in YAKs today...
Ridiculous! I had four papers to write...yes...numero quatro. All due tomorrow...and I only have 3 classes, I don't get it. Whatever though I am done!
And this is only one part of the craziness this week holds. I would seriously die with out my calender on my blackberry....
I'm having coffee with like 8 different people (hopefully not at YAKs...I need a change of scenery!)
A night of worship sort of thing here at Simpson. It's going to be amazing! I went shopping today with TJ and we both cannot wait to see how God's going to show up! God's hand is totally in this thing and it's all for his glory!
8pm at the Gym.
I'm painting too...there's another reason for everyone to be there!
It's really passed my bedtime....Goodnight!
Posted by hannahrae at 11:45 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I never thought this would happen...
I've become a neat freak! Seriously, I've never been like this before. Anyone who has ever been in my room before can attest...you could never see the floor, 3 feet deep in clothes with a little path to my bed, always! Most days you could barely get the door open.
Now that I live sorta on my own...I can't leave the room with out making my bed and putting all my clothes away. Everything must be folded, hung up, drawers shut, shoes under bed and in neat rows in my closet. My desk is all in order...bathroom...order.
I went on a cleaning frenzy tonight too, scrubbed all my sneakers until my hands felt numb.
I thought maybe it would only last a few days, but I'm in the middle of week 3 and I don't think my clutter queen tendencies are coming back anytime soon. Not necessarily a bad thing but I might going insane with the piles of clothes made by my roommate...haha.
Mom...you'd be so proud.
Posted by hannahrae at 10:45 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So I'm kind of stuck on this topic...
Pro-life. I can't stop thinking about these two words that are connected with a dash. What the heck? It's like everyday I'm reminded of it...
Here's what's on my brain...If someone is going to be Pro-Life, what about the death penalty and war? Where do you stand on that?
I'm pro life but I also stand on the democratic side. I may not agree with all things democratic but it is also part of a protest for me...that not all Christians have to be Republicans and not all Republicans are Christian.
But truly...how can you say you are for life but also be for death?
I understand, abortion is about the babies. No person wants a baby to die, but seriously they are humans, just like a 19 year old soldier or a civilian of any age that just happened to be raised in the wrong country at the wrong time...
or what about a 40 year old murderer...we are all sinners and who is to say that not everyone is deserving of grace?
Posted by hannahrae at 8:20 PM 6 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Huge thank you to Team Coverdale for having me over for dinner tonight! Amy...the pot roast was delicious and the peach cobbler...best I've ever had.
That was really one of the only exciting things about today. Except I decided I want one of these...
It's an Akita. They're big and they're Japanese. So precious.
This was a random blog. Night all.
Posted by hannahrae at 12:01 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
word vomit...
yeah...that kind. Sometimes it just happens. I don't know what comes over me but it happens quite often. I just get a surge of passion and I spill out this huge ridiculous sermon of a sort.
Tonight for instance...I don't know what it was, maybe it was the Prayer Night and I was just filled with crazy passion but we were discussing politics at In N' Out. I have a love/hate relationship with talking about politics. I'm usually careful who I discuss them with. But some kid asked me a question...and from that point on I could just feel the words making their way up my throat....
We were discussing the candidates and who stands for what and if what they say they stand for is credible...some how abortion got brought up...and then it came, the word vomit.
In about 5 seconds I said "I'm pro life but I believe no politician is ever going to make abortion illegal, so instead of wasting our time waving picket signs or putting tape over our mouths...why don't we pray that God moves in the hearts of the doctors and women and manipulative families. I'm tired of hearing about Christians who hate anyone who is not pro-life yet do nothing about solving the problem. I'm tired of people standing outside of abortion clinics but are not willing to adopt children or take care of single moms or walk along side women through the other options or help with the grief and the pain they are feeling. I don't like hearing Christians hating candidates because they are pro choice, but not looking at other the other good 'Christ like' things they do stand for...starting at the bottom by caring first for the least, no war or violence, health care for children...and the list goes on. I'm tired of it."
Yep that was my vomit. I felt like it wasn't me talking. And instead of cleaning up my vomit, I sat there silent. Maybe I didn't necessarily like the way I spilled all that out there in front of some people I barely knew, but I meant every word of it.
I think it's important to vote. I don't agree with either candidate wholly. They're politicians, they're not perfect in anyway. But I have to choose for me and not base my decision on one issue but over all.
So I had word vomit and then it turned into some blog vomit. Haha....good thing there was no real vomit tonight.
Goodnight. I have biblical backgrounds in the morning...oh joy!
Posted by hannahrae at 11:17 PM 4 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
tonight = crazy
So I just got back from the Stirring a little while ago and I'm wondering...was anyone thinking about fire code tonight? There were so many freaking people there! Crazy.
We had to pull down 60+ chairs.
We passed out one whole box of Myriad fliers.
About 500 life group fliers.
I saw like 30 people sign up for kid's ministry.
And we tore the whole place down in under 20 minutes.
I'm so excited about this new series. I think it's the perfect way to start of this season, especially with all the new young people. Going through Acts is going to rock some lives. Most of these new students come from home churches that just follow American dream...and now they're going to see how the Church was intended to be like. So awesome.
It's bedtime now...this week is going to be insane.
Goodnight friends and I pray your week is amazing.
Posted by hannahrae at 11:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: The Stirring
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Feeling good.
I'm feeling good about this whole school thing...tomorrow's my first day. I'm ready...Katie painted my fingernails...I am set.
I've had a lot of concerns and worries about this year, I've struggled with bonding with my roommates but I've come to peace with that. It will come, it just may take some time.
I was nervous that there wasn't going to be much growth in my life because of going to Simpson and not having that "first time away from home and on my own feeling" but I feel like so much has happened already and I've had so many hills to climb this weekend that I can't even dream about where I'll be in a few months or weeks. Cool stuff.
Tomorrow...world civ, friendship bracelets, and toga party. what could be better?
Posted by hannahrae at 12:38 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Dorm Life...
This is weird. Seriously. I'm a freshman at Simpson...who would have thought? Not I. So I'm sitting in my dorm room and it's definitely surreal. I'm not quite sure how I'm feeling. It's like, I'm new because I'm a freshman but I've been here at Simpson since I was 8 years old...so I'm way old. I don't know anyone but I feel like because I'm not so new, I don't have that in common with other freshman. I feel different. It's an odd feeling...
I'm gonna see if the roommates wanna go get food...
Posted by hannahrae at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
my mac book came TODAY!
and I'm so excited! it's beautiful and amazing and i have no idea how to work it!
short blog, but i want to play!
Posted by hannahrae at 8:13 PM 2 comments
All I have to say...
It's Thursday morning and I am so freaking awake. I fell asleep last night at 7pm and woke up this morning at 7:30am. So amazing...
Today is my last day of work. It's so weird. This is my 3rd summer working 40 hours a week. and I would work everyday after school for 4 hours during the year. Shasta Professional Eye Care became my life for the better portion of high school and now I'm just done? Crazy. They're buying me pie and we're celebrating or not really celebrating. These women have become like my aunts. Every time we talk about my leaving one of them starts crying. I'll honestly miss them, a lot.
My Macbook is supposed to be here today! Finally!!!! The whole tracking thing is so confusing though, I thought it came yesterday and I was freaking out and down stairs talking to the front desk ladies at Simpson...a little ticked because I thought it had said it was delivered at sign for at 10:22 am and they had no clue where it was, when actually it was my iPod that was delivered on Monday. Haha. I felt like just a jerk. But I doubled checked the tracker right now and it says it should be delivered TODAY, the 28th!
My next blog will be via mac. Can't wait. I'll probably have one of the fabulous iPhoto self portraits too! ahhh!! I'm so excited.
Posted by hannahrae at 8:31 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
No more FooFoo Fridays...
What are FooFoo Fridays you ask? and why are they no more?
Every Friday at the Eye doctor we order coffee drinks, foo foo ones, like gross blended drinks. Sometimes the doc's even buy them for us...sweet deal. And since this is my last Friday at the office it is my last Foo Foo Friday ever. Sad thought. But I'm so ready to be done!!!
And now that it is the weekend I have a few goals that I have to accomplish...
- Clean my room, I thought about posting a picture of how disorganized my room is but it would probably make Anna Moseley go into cardiac arrest. Let my just say...it's like 3 feet high (not an exaggeration) with clothes and purses and shoes and blankets. No dirty just horribly messy.
- After cleaning my room, I need to do some seriously laundry.
- Organize all my clothes and decide what going over the the other dorm with me and what's staying with my parents.
- Paint, it's been to long and I'm feeling kind of inspired!
- Call my best friend, we haven't seriously talked in like a month.
So not too much that needs to be done, but enough that I may procrastinate and never end up doing...
Have a great weekend friends!!!
Posted by hannahrae at 7:20 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I'm sitting at my new favorite lunch spot, Blendz...seriously amazing salads and smoothies! I'm on my lunch break, yep, back to work...my last full week! So crazy! I've decided that I'm not going to work this semester...school and church are my number one priorities and I need to devote all my time to them. So its nerve racking, I've had a job for 2 and half years and now I will be a poor college student!
Anyway...camped at the coast this weekend! It was awesome! I'm definitely glad to be home...its hard for me to be around 10 crazy people for 3 days straight with no time to myself. But it was fun and beautiful and I fell in love with Arcata and the Co-Op!
Here's some pics...
Posted by hannahrae at 12:25 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tomorrow I Camp!
Tomorrow me and 11 of my close friends are going to the big lagoon at Patrick's Point for a camping trip! It's going to be INSANE! It's been over a year since I camped and I have never been to Patrick's Point! I'm so amped!
I'm taking a break from packing, even though I'm not bringing much...I'm ruffing it....I hate packing. I never know what to bring and I always forget something!
It will be nice to get out of Redding and the crazy hot heat for a few days...especially after this long week. But I'm trying to stay positive!
Good things about this week...
-Sunday - the Stirring was awesome. I'm way excited about this new series.
- Monday - Had coffee with Tyler, great conversation. I think we sat in front of Starbucks for 2 hours...
-Tuesday - Devil Wears Prada and Norma Jean show in Chico, nuff said.
-Wednesday - Watched "Smart People" at Shelby Schwitter's. Good movie, enjoyed it tremendously. The perfect balance of humor and "thinkingness"...you know, one of those movies that makes you thing.
-Thursday - Bike ride at 8am this morning with Christian, Kendall and Cory. I parked my car at work, rode to sundial to meet them, rode the complete loop of the River Trail. Had some complications with my bike, like it's ridiculously heavy and so hard to ride and i accidentally went off a curb and a bungee cord got wrapped around my back tire. I was only 15 minutes late to work, which I was pretty proud of. Dusten is building my a road bike! I can't wait! It'll be so much nicer than my cruiser!!!
So that was my week so far, not too bad I guess.
I'll be back from camping on Sunday, just in time for set up!
PS. This is my best friend Stephanie. She turned 20 yesterday and I'm so bummed I couldn't be down in Huntington Beach to celebrate with her! She's awesome and I miss her like crazy!
Posted by hannahrae at 10:11 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
everything in the world is as it should be...
i had one of those moments today, actually a few...
i went down to chico with some friends, for no reason other than getting out of town. we didn't do anything spectacular. we rode our bikes across the whole town. through fountains, through busy streets, on sidewalks with no destination. marvelous. i bought a bike, a road bike, for 10 dollars at a garage sale. my cruiser is just too heavy, i love it, but it's not to practical for redding.
i drove home with my friend whitney and we talked and time just flew. we rolled into redding at around 6:30, grabbed some chipotle for heather smith and went to her house.
we sat and talked for a few hours and then we just started worshiping. whitney lead us with an unplugged electric and it was perfect. just the three of us. perfect.
i love days like this, no real agenda, just seeing how things turn out.
Posted by hannahrae at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
my apoligies...i'm a horrible blogger
Life's so crazy right now, so it's not like I don't have anything to blog about...I just don't have to time or brain power to blog about it.
Since my last post I...
Have registered for housing/classes at Simpson. I finally get to experience Shaefer for myself! I'm only taking 13 units just to get my feet wet, to see if Simpson is really where I supposed to be.
I quit my job! I'm at the point where I'm relieved and ready for what's next but also freaking out because I have no idea what's next. Scary!
I decided I want to move to Nashville, sometime...I don't know when. But I am going to live there at some point in my life and I will have a sweet southern drawl and I'll come back to Redding with my cute folk singer songwriter husband (I swear he's there I just have to find him! HA!) And no one will even recognize me. But seriously, can't get Nashville off the mind...
That's basically it with a few other crazy things thrown in that I don't feel like blogging or thinking about...BUT I promise my next blog won't be in like a month!
Posted by hannahrae at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"we can do no great things, just small things with great love."
Just finished this book...AWESOME!
Completely rocked my world. Where do I begin...
If you haven't read it, read it. What Shane Claiborne says will force you into authentic living...it starts with simply loving your neighbor. He challenges everything from loving the poor, social justice, violence and war, what it means to be a christian, the world of economics, patriotism, and the modern American church. He makes you think like crazy. It took me a while to finish this book, even though sometimes I could not put it down...I needed to process what I was reading and practice it.
I underlined, highlighted and wrote all over the margins, so much that I may need to buy my friend who lent it to me a new copy.
I wanted to insert a quote here, but I could not find just one...so just read it for yourself, you won't regret it. And I'm praying about leading a life group in the fall and go through this book, so if you're interested let me know or if you'd want to help me lead it...I'd love it!
Now I'm on to unChristian...just checked it out of the library (new favorite place). Can't wait to get started!
Posted by hannahrae at 10:01 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Another painting...
Here's another painting I finished a few weeks ago. I can't wait to give it to Lorene...it has a few different meanings but I hope God really speaks to her through it!
Thought you'd enjoy! Have a great week everyone!
Posted by hannahrae at 12:53 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Top 10 Reasons Why Life is Good!
(This is the last painting I did for Kristina Hayes, just thought I'd share)
1. I have this crazy joy right now, that I can't really explain, it's just there.
2. I serve at the Stirring with an amazing group of people. I love every single person there and Sundays are my favorite day of the week because of them!
3. With all my car trouble, I've been driving my dad's station wagon...totally nerdy but I think I can rock it. AND I can fit my 3 speed cruiser in the back SO I am always ready for night time bicycling ride, because I work all day and it's the only free time I have and it's not freaking hot out.
4. My dad comes home on Thursday. I miss my padre so much. I'm so blessed to be incredibly close to my family and it's just not the same at home without him!
5. I got free ice cream at coldstone tonight. So awesome.
6. The Lord has been streching me like crazy and showing me more of His plan for my life. I've had this serge of inspiration and passion this week and I feel like I need to share it with anybody and everybody.
7. Crazy stuff is happening with my art. God is good and works in amazing, surprising ways...
8. I will finally have enough money to buy my Macbook in 2 weeks! I'm so amped.
9. Everything at my work is going really good. If you don't know, I've really struggled with my job that I've had for over 2 years. I'm ready for change, I just don't know when it will happen. But until a door is opened, God has seriously made things so much easier on me there...
and finally...
10. Patricks Point Patio Camping Trip is happening in exactly one month. Can't wait!
Posted by hannahrae at 10:52 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Day from...well let's just be honest...HELL
You knows those days when you wake up, you have a huge zit right in the middle of your forehead and you just know it's not going to be a good day?
That was today.
9am...I got to work and it began...Dr's freaking out because he has no idea what he's doing...
"I'm sorry! I didn't know my job was to look like an idiot so you don't have to!"
Well...that's what I wish I could have said, but then I would have been jobless...
Worked 8 hours in total stress mode...
6pm...got off work and was driving home and thought to stop my Michael's craft store to pick up some supplies so I could finish the painting that is in my last blog...
6:30pm Get into car in Michael's/Cost Plus parking lot...turn key...car makes funny noise...doesn't start. I call my mom so she can come to my rescue. I hang up the phone and realize that I have her car key in my purse! Thank God she found a key to my dad's car that basically has no brakes, and arrived shortly there after.
7pm...Mom calls car club place for a tow truck..,
8pm...still waiting
8:30...Tow truck man arrives and jumps my battery...he tells us to go straight to Walmart to buy a new battery and to not turn off my car!
8:35pm...Sitting in my car at the Hilltop and Dana drive intersection...car dead...again! I immediately turn my flashers on but you can barely see them since my battery is dead.
8:40pm...Nice man named Jesse in a Nissan Marano pulls up next to me and offers to help in anyway. I get in his car and he takes me to Walmart so I can meet my mom and get a new battery.
8:45...Arrive at Walmart...run into the auto department and yell, "I have a 1988 Volvo sedan 240 DL and I need a battery!!!!" A nice man with a pony tail (which reminded me of my dad and how I wish he was here with me and not in the middle of Kansas on a bicycle!) Got the battery I needed, explained somethings to me and then I handed him 87 bucks and I was out the door to wait for my mom.
8:52pm...My mom and I realize we have no idea how to change a battery.
8:53pm...I start hyperventalating.
8:55pm...Mom calls her amazing boss Joe, who just happens to be at Chevy's and he and a guy come to help us out! My mom put the car in neutral and they rolled the car out of the middle of the intersection...while I am directing traffic because I am wearing bright yellow and red scrubs with ladybugs all over them and cars could not miss me!
8:56pm...Lady cop arrives saying they got a call reporting an abandoned Volvo in the middle of Hilltop. (HA!)
8:57pm...the amazing Emily and Brett Faulknor are waiting at the light and turn around to help us out!
Turns out I have no tools in my car so we had to Run to Big Lots to get a wrench!
9:00pm Brett, Joe, and David (I think that's his name) save the day and get the old battery out and the new one in...and I am on my way home!!!
Needless to say I was bawling my eyes out this whole time because I am hypoglycemic and I hadn't eating in 8 hours therefore I was not able to control my emotions well...and I have only had my license for 7 months so this was new and stressful!!!
10pm...go to starbucks...order venti iced americano...sit with friends and try to decompress
12am...Can't fall asleep because of the venti americano.
Good news...tomorrow is Friday!
Posted by hannahrae at 11:48 PM 2 comments
Labels: driving
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
New Painting...unfinished
I had a painting session with my dear friend Shelby tonight and this was what happened! I love it! It's not finished yet but it's for my dear friend Lorene Holley!
My amazing mother bought me eight canvas' this week! It's buy one get one for a penny at Aaron Brother's right now...such a great deal! I wanna try painting everyday this week and see what happens...sometimes when I do this all my stuff starts to look the same...but whatev I need to get the creative juices flowing...
Posted by hannahrae at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I've been having the weirdest dreams lately. Lastnight I fell asleep around 7pm (Yay for working 40 hour weeks!) and woke up at 6:30 am. I seriously had like 5 dreams and they were all things that I've been thinking about or things that have happened yesterday but totally twisted and randomized...word?
What the heck?! Maybe the chiropracter messed me up...haha.
Random blog...but I've been thinking about these dreams all morning.
Posted by hannahrae at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
It's official...I'm a Red Hawk!
On Friday I got the call from my admissions counselor telling my I was excepted to Simpson University! Haha..I know big surprise, I didn't think I would ever be excepted (can you sense the sarcasticness?). And maybe to some of you the idea of me attending Simpson is a huge shock! Ever since age ten Simpson was on the very bottom of my list of higher education possibilities, but God had another plan for me...
Even though I know God has me staying in Redding and going Simpson for a reason it was still hard for me to be content with that, for reasons such as, visiting Point Loma University and having my close friends Mark and Rebecca Carter move down there)...
So frankly, this acceptance means a lot more to me because it is just another confirmation that this is where I'm supposed to be and that makes me freaking amped on what God has in store for me!
Posted by hannahrae at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Pain in the Neck!
Who would go to Waterworks when you have a water slide like that?! and it doesn't cost a small fortune to go to...it's free because it's nature!!!!
That's my best friend Jesse sliding down one of the amazing Montgomery Creek Falls on Saturday! And a quarter mile up stream there is an amazing waterfall that is perfect for jumping off of! It was such an amazing weekend, full of fun with friends and enjoying God's creation...but my body is definitely paying for it (and it probably didn't help that I helped Matt Moseley move couches yesterday because Billy was on vacation...me replace crazy strong Billy Brown, WHAT THE HECK?)
I have the worst pain right underneath my neck that leaves me almost immobile! I feel like I can barely function. I've been poppin' Advil all day and it doesn't seem to be working...
Does anyone know of something that would help...I'm completely clueless when it comes to these sorta things?
Posted by hannahrae at 8:53 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
on my way home.
Isn't it funny how you always need a vacation from your vacation? Good thing I have another week off of work... I'm on my way home! We just made it through LA and I'm sitting in the passenger seat for the first time in 5 days. I drove everywhere! I don't have that much freeway experience (I mean come on, I live in Redding, the farthest I go on I5 is from Simpson to the Stirring once a week! Ha!) But seriously, I conquered rush hour LA traffic and downtown San Diego and all in between!
It's been a good week but I am so glad to be coming home! I very much love my routine and my own bed.
We arrived in San Diego county late wednesday evening and stayed at my brother's house. The next morning we travelled to Ocean Beach and met up with Mark and Rebecca Carter (one of my favorite couples! Seriously they are amazing and if you don't know them get in your car, bus, plane, train and get to Ocean Beach and hang out with them!!!) We spent the next 3 days with them and their two dogs, Sam and Eli, at their amazing condo that was ONE block from the beach! ONE BLOCK!!! We ate good food, drank coffee, shopped and hung out with the boys (sam and eli).
Last night we went to a Padre's game! It was a little stressful but definitely an adventure, and fun. We left the Carter's and headed back to Vista, to my brother's casa. We were running late for the train to the stadium so as soon as we pulled up to Aaron's house we were back on the road! We made it to the station 2 minutes late but the train was late so it worked out perfectly! We arrived at the Padre's game and met the Carters and had an amazing night. We lost but it was still fun, and there was an amazing fireworks show after! It was the perfect ending to a crazy day until we left the stadium and made our way back to the train station. We and a hundred plus people were waiting and there was no train! We tried to get a cab but the wanted to charge us more than $100 bucks to get us back to our car, and no way jose were we going to lay that down!
So we were stranded, but then I remembered that my friend Trevor was going to be coming through the city and maybe he could pick us up! I called him and he was aleady basically home but he turned around and came back to get us! He's amazing and if you don't know him, you don't need to drive, fly or float down to San Diego to meet him because he's moving back to Redding in the fall! But seriously! He's amazing and drove way out of his way to get us!
So we made it home and I crashed on my brothers bed, fell asleep with my street clothes on, I was that tired.
Now we're headed home and I'm so excited! It's been an awesome week but I miss the east cypress starbucks, and the stirring, and my best friends Stephane and Jesse are both home in Redding and this is just going to be an amazing last week of vacation!
Can't wait to see you all!
Posted by hannahrae at 12:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Vacation
Monday, June 16, 2008
holiday in the sun...
Not really, at least not yet...I am officially on vacation! Right this second I am laying in a hotel bed in vacaville, ca. This whole ordeal was hard for me to take...I like to get where I'm going in the least amount of time. But I am trying to remind myself that this whole week is vacation, not just when we end up in san diego.
It's about the journey, not the destination...right?
Tomorrow we will be in santa barbara, CANT WAIT! I've never been so I am so excited. I heard it's amazing and beautiful! And the shopping is prime!
Once we get to san diego we'll stay with my brother and the carter's in their new place! I cannot wait to hang out with them in their new home of Point Loma!
I believe saturday my brother and I are going to head down to mexico and hang out for the day. (I've never been!) But other than that I'll spend most days hanging out, drinking coffee and relaxin'.
I'll post pictures as soon as a get a real computer and I'm not blogging via blackberry!
Posted by hannahrae at 11:02 PM 221 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
My crazy Dad!
My 52 or so year old father (I can never remember how old my parents are...haha) is riding his bike across the country! Yeah, you heard me...he is riding a touring bicycle from Florance, Oregon to Nashville, Tennessee. Him and 8 other students from Simpson University are stopping in schools and churchs all along the US raising awareness and money for well building in Africa. It's so amazing!!! So if you interested in checking in on them their blog is http://wheelsforwells.wordpress.com
Posted by hannahrae at 10:26 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
i'm done...
I am officially finished with high school forever! I just finished my economics final, and even though I'm a little pissed that I have a C+ and not a B and he won't even bother to read my amazing essay on the supply and demand side of economic theory, I'm just glad to be done!!!
I graduate on Thursday!!!! And I'm having a party on Friday at 7pm! It'll be in the thompson mangham lobby, my home and everyone from the stirring blog community is invited! Haha.
On that note...I cannot stop telling every person I come into contact with that I am so happy with the home I have found in the Stirring. The team I get to serve with is so amazing, I cannot even begin to explain! This new series Becoming Who We Are is going to be AWESOME. Can't wait for next week!
Posted by hannahrae at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I'm a painting machine!
In the past two days I have completed 5 new paintings! I don't know how, I guess I've been pretty inspired by those I love. I finished 2 for my brother which completes his set of four! 1 for my friend mark carter and one for his wife rebecca that I did last night.
I also finally finished the two for the Risto family. At Erase the Dark their two year old daughter Isabella ran straight up to my painting, Dance Upon Injustice, and jumped up and down pointing at it. The won it for her in the auction and ask me to paint two more for her bedroom.
It honestly has been really cool to have people interested in my art. It was always something I just did for myself, as worship. I love being able to paint for people, if the lord can speak into their lives through the colors and shapes I produce, let me be a vessal!
Posted by hannahrae at 10:03 AM 3 comments