Sunday, October 12, 2008

It Starts With a Coffee Cup: SIMPLE LIVING PART 1

It starts here...with this little cup.

I feel like the Lord has seriously been calling me to a life of simplicity, or more simple than I have been living. Lately, I've been realizing how much money I spend on a daily basis. I buy something new for my closet almost every week...I mean its not ridiculously expensive, most often it's something off the clearance rack at Target, but that's like ten bucks I don't have anymore. I spend money on coffee several times a day...I know I need to ween myself off the Starbucks IV but it is such apart of my life and culture that I don't think I can to quit all together...but I know what I can and will do! I am going to cut back and when I do go to my beloved E. Cypress Starbucks I will bring my to-go cup from home! It's so easy! And it's not about the ten cents I save, it's more about the hundreds of cardboard cups I go through on a monthly basis. My roommate was making fun of me the other day because I come home everyday with a little white cup with a mermaid on it...EVERYDAY!

I'm going to try to stop eating out so much too...I have an awesome opportunity for free meals at Simpson, I mean they are definitely not the most healthy or good tasting but free food is free food! And if I need some time away from Chartwells, I have the opportunity to go home to my parent's and eat!

I also, in the future, really want to learn how to make and modify my own clothes...this is a little extreme but I think it would be fun! and it would definitely help my budget! If I get tired of a certain shirt or dress...just change it up and make it something new!

There are exceptions for everything...I'm not going full on hippy here...I'm just going to start with Starbucks! But I definitely feel this is something I need to do. I checked my bank account yesterday and I have $26 left, and there is not paycheck coming to replenish that. I don't have a job anymore so I am forced to do something! But that's not even the reason for this lifestyle change! I feel like I've given into consumerism far too much in my short life and I need to stop...

keep my accountable please!


amy coverdale said...

oh honey. i loved this post. if you're ever in the neighborhood you can over for an americano at our house. I've found it's SO much cheaper and earth friendly to make my own espresso at home. maybe we should put together a clothing swap for us girls :) sound like a good idea?. . love you honey

Jenna said...

I'm gonna start french pressing more... :-) and simply ride a bike when I can.