Monday, October 27, 2008


this word has been rocking my lately. it's a simple word, 2 vowels & 2 consonants but together they form something so powerful.

for the past several weeks God has made love the center of my world. seriously, EVERY scripture i am lead to has the word love in it...every one...not an exaggeration.

i listen to John Mark McMillan's "How He Loves" like everyday, and every time i am within reach of my laptop i share with someone the YouTube video of when he shares about the song. he wrote it after his best friend Steven died. One morning Steven prayed that if him dying caused a youth movement among this generation he would be willing to give his life and that night he was killed in a car accident.
the next day John Mark McMillan wrote the song; believing that if God fulfilled the first part of the prophecy that he had to fulfill the second half. And I believe that this song has stirred up a movement among this generation...

we, knowing God's love for us, being know by our love.

I can't get the words "a generation known by love" out of my head. the love for each other and the love of the Father.


Jenna said...

for reals...

...and i LOVE you.
...however much the Christ in me helps me too!!!