Friday, May 2, 2008

young woman dies of heart attack

I go to a huge high school, well huge for the redding area. So on the way to school there is a gigantic line at all the stop signs! Today I took the short cut. As soon as I turned right there was a cop! And I didn't just make any legal right turn...I drove in the shoulder for 100 plus feet and I'm not exactly sure if I came to a complete stop.

So there was the cop...and then a truck turned right behind me...and then the cop turned and started following us! I spilled my coffee and was officially FREAKING out! I have yet to be pulled over and I have only gotten one ticket for parking with out a permit! So I'm quite paranoid. Anyway...the cop is following us. I turn left, still following us. At this point I am praying out loud like crazy! And then, from my rear view mirror I see the truck pull over and the cop pull behind him! Hallejuah!!!!!!

That was my first scare, I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack!


jamie ann said...

OMGsh! i totally know that feeling! i am so paranoid when i'm driving around cops, it's crazy.

Keith said...

I have had a few experiences like that. I appreciate your sharing this experience.