Sunday, April 27, 2008

He Will Do Great Things

Tonight I had an epiphany.

This evening I was talking to a friend and I could just see the anger in him. I don't know where it comes from but I just know that it is something that controls his life. My heart broke for him, but it did more than just break, it changed.

I know some amazing people, men who a few years ago, if you knew them, you would never recognize them today. Their lives were so different, and did not reflect the light of jesus. But now if you look at them, they have become strong men of faith.

Tonight I realized that we can not judge people by what they are like currently but view them as who they could turn out to be. Because if we don't believe that they too will become great we underestimate the miraculous power of God! God can work in amazing ways and turn peoples lives upside down.

As followers of Christ, I believe, we must not judge anyone, for that is up to God, but also stand beside them and encourage them as the Lord molds them into the people they are called to be.
