Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 2

I hate bad dreams, they put your whole day in a funk.

Last night I dreamt of my family killing people in the Vietnam war...horrible.

Tonight I had really weird dreams, lame.
And I woke up crying, extra lame.
That's never happened before, weird.

It didn't help that I forgot what day it was and freaked out when my phone started buzzing with Dan Lance on the other line...totally thought our meeting was today...I hate over sleeping so I freaked.

And then I would turn over and sleep some more in weird dreamland and then my phone would wake me up again and again with it's buzz buzz buzz.

Now I'm up. Sitting on the couch in my pjs...drinking coffee and trying to imagine today.

And now Damian Rice's Volcano came on shuffle...I miss my friend Sarah.

But the I am reminded that there is beautiful street art all over the world and then I am happy.


annamaria said...

I love street art!! And that picture in your post is so great..
Maybe it will be one of my favorites

Jeanine Marie. said...

your blog is so cute!
i love that picture, too :)