Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Farewell Theodore.

So my Volvo has been dead for exactly a year today...haha. And there is no hope of Theodore ever making a comeback...but there is hope!

I found the volvo of my dreams and it's in my price range...Jesus please let them not sell it to anyone else before the end of the summer!

Theodore II
He's a beauty.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

lifegroup conversations...

crazy things are happening in and through my life group.

people are getting healed.
people are meeting God.
people are going to rehab after four years of herion abuse.
people are following God's plan and forsaking their own because they know it's better.
people are gaining courage to step out in faith.
people are following their dreams.

7 girls drinking coffee.
7 girls eating snacks.
7 girls laughing.
7 girls living life together.

questions? ask me. oh...i'll tell you.