(Photo by: Mr. Brent Van Auken)
Wesley Jensen and the Wildcats put on an amazing show last night. It was so much fun to be apart of...they even let me design their set...it's looks pretty sweet (I'm a little proud).
It was a wonderful evening full of musical genius', confetti, brooms, cardboard houses, yerbe mate tea and dancing in the street.
I couldn't ask for a better life.
Friday, April 24, 2009
to the wildcats...
Posted by hannahrae at 1:58 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
i took a break from studying
and this is what i found...i almost cried. so great.
10 hours and i will be done. freedom from school for four months. hallelujah.
Posted by hannahrae at 11:40 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Praise the Lord oh my soul and let all within me praise His name. Praise the Lord oh my soul and let all within me praise His name.
Praise the Lord oh my soul and let all within me praise His name. Praise the Lord oh my soul and let all within me praise His name.
For I will not die I will live and I will tell of the works of the Lord and sing of His wonders. I will not die I will live. I will not die I will live. Because He's a great God.
I get to love you through whatever comes, what a privilige. I get to love you through whatever comes, oh how sweet it is! I get to love you through whatever comes, what a privilige. I get to love you through whatever comes, oh how sweet it is.
And nothing's going to take your praise out of my mouth as long as I shall live.
And nothing's going to take your praise out of my mouth as long as I shall live.
I will not die I will live. I will not die I will live and I will tell of the works of the lord, I will sing of his wonders!
I will not die I will live. I will not die I will live and I will tell of the works of the lord, I will sing of his wonders!
And nothing's going to take your praise out of my mouth as long as I shall live.
And nothing's going to take your praise out of my mouth as long as I shall live because He's a great God, you're a great God!
Posted by hannahrae at 4:21 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Word Vomit part 3
So I'm sitting in my World Civilization class...we're having a debate about if capitalism can survive globalization...
I love when people bring Jesus into their ridiculous arguements...like capitalism is the best from of government...and in the 1000 year reign...bladdy bladdy blah!
The homeless man, who didn't have a place to lay his head. The man who took one little boy's bread and fish and multiplied it and fed 500 people?!
And so often Christians think Capitalism is best and Socialism is from hell...I'm not taking either side, I think there are good parts in each...but if you look at what the original church looked like, the Acts Church... "All believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."
Chew on that.
Posted by hannahrae at 10:06 AM 5 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I had to laugh a little...
to keep myself from punching someone in the neck...
I was in my Oral Comm class listening to speeches.
One kid spoke on the 2nd Amendment...haha oh joy...I knew where he was going.
He actually quoted scripture...he didn't say the verse address but I'm pretty sure he took it out of context from Luke 22...when Jesus says "...if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." He followed this by "IT IS GOD's WILL FOR YOU TO BARE ARMS!"
HA! That's when I lost it, I couldn't look at him and take him seriously.
Doesn't Jesus also tell Peter "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword"?
Okay...word vomit complete. On to happier things.Slumdog Millionaire comes out on DVD today, I'm going to buy it right after this class (yes...I'm in Sociology, it's not that interesting)!
Women's retreat tomorrow. I'm so excited...but I'm also bummed about missing out on the stuff going on back in Redding...I hate missing out on stuff. I think it comes from when I was a little kid. Every time I would spend the night at my grandma's, my mom and brother would do something really fun without me, and I would get so angry! haha...since then, even when I'm doing something fun like women's retreat or playing dress up and watching Nick as Nite (like at Grandma's) I don't want to miss anything.
Next weekend I'm going to Long Beach to spend time with my best friends Stephanie and Jesse, so pumped! And I really want my brother to drive up from San Diego and spend Easter with me...hopefully!
Posted by hannahrae at 9:47 AM 5 comments